So, continuing on the video theme – below is the video that the Den 7 cubscouts did for pack 144. Michael Korch took on the directing task for this one and did a much better job than my attempt last year. Enjoy!
Lindsay on Q13 News for Her Video!
Lindsay was interviewed and filmed today for work on her video. The reporter was at Greenlake during the day and saw what was going on. Once the video was done, she reviewed it and came over to the house for an interview. Watch it below – Lindsay rocks!
Lindsay’s Peaceful Protest Video!
Hey! I was doing a project about peaceful protest as extra credit for school. I went to green lake with Ivy, Kendra, Lucia, and Mom. We filmed as many people as we could lip syncing and dancing to “where is the love?”. This is what we came up with. Enjoy!
Videos of Zip Lining in Salulita
Brad Lenz and I took some videos of us and the kids zip lining in the jungles of Salulita. My first time posting some YouTube uploaded videos, but check it out and enjoy.